Naval Motor Botti was founded in Viareggio, the beating heart of the Italian nautical industry, where it maintains its headquarters.Official FPT Industrial distributor, it sells marine and industrial engines and generating sets.Naval Motor Botti, thanks to its solid experience, guarantees constant support from design to final testing for any type of customer, more or less structured.In particular, the company's core business represented by the marine market includes both the professional sector fishing, passenger transport, pilotage services and the pleasure sector.Naval Motor Botti is also the official distributor of Sole' Advance and prestigious brands such as ZF and Twindisc Technodrive for inverters.Naval Motor Botti offers technical assistance for numerous activities not only on all the brands it represents, but also on MAN and Scania engines: ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, overhauls, installations, surveys and diagnostics that it can perform thanks to its trained staff and specific equipment. It has two brake benches to test engines up to a power of 1200 Hp, as well as an injection pump test bench, all RINA certified, which allow it to carry out tests and homologations in house.On the territory for which it is responsible for FPT Industrial, Naval Motor Botti boasts a capillary network of over 30 authorised workshops, which it supports from a technical and commercial point of view with coaching activities, dedicated training and highly technological remote connections.It also has a Quality and Environmental Management system in accordance with UNI ENI ISO 9001, obtained in 1996, and UNI ENI ISO 14001.